God Speaks
Peter Wrote This Letter to Encourage Suffering, Christian Exiles
Verse of the Day: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. (1 Peter 1:3-5 NIV 2011)
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We Respond
1 Peter 1
Reflection: This letter was written by Peter to encourage believers who were trying to live out their faith in a hostile environment. It is so appropriate for what Christians everywhere are facing today. The enemies of God are using various strategies and weapons in many places, but God’s children must put on the armor He has provided and stand firm. It is interesting that the geographic area addressed in this letter is now part of the nation of Turkey. God’s people are once again in hostile territory. This letter should be a guide and encouragement to believers today who are facing any kind of difficulty or opposition. The fiery trials believers face in this life have a good purpose. When we acknowledge Christ as our Savior, we become like a lump of clay which the potter shapes and imprints with the image of Jesus. This likeness of Christ is obscured by our human tendencies, but the intense heat of the trials (the firing process) melts away this dross and reveals the true image of Christ in us. The Holy Spirit guided the prophets in writing down that the Messiah would come and what would happen to Him, but they didn’t really understand. Peter went on to summarize the gospel: God wants His lost children to obey Him, not their own desires or Satan’s. He is calling them to be holy because He is holy, and they need to rely on the Holy Spirit’s power to do so. Because Jesus will judge with perfect justice when He comes back, they are to act in reverent fear and love for God and other people. The blood of Jesus, the perfect sinless Lamb of God, that is far more precious than gold or silver, paid the ransom for all who will turn to Him in faith. God raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great glory. Now all those who trust Him by faith have been cleansed from selfishness and hatred and can love each other with pure hearts seeking what’s best for each other. Man’s laws and rules are fading away, but the Word of the Lord will last forever.
Prayer: Dear Gracious God, thank You that You are with us wherever we are and whatever we are experiencing. Thank You that the rewards reserved in Heaven for those who trust Christ far outweigh any suffering believers may experience here on earth. Thank You for the privilege of being born again and becoming part of the family of God. Thank You, Jesus, for dying for my sins and being raised from the dead to make me right with God. It is Your mighty power, Holy Spirit, that will see me through this life and take me safely home to Heaven where my reward is waiting. Thank You for the way the difficulties and trials in my life are purifying my faith and revealing Christ in me. Thank You for guiding the prophets of old in writing about the Messiah and what He would do. Now that I am Your child, I want to obey You, not my own desires or Satan’s. You call me to be holy because You are holy. I claim Holy Spirit’s power to do so. Because Jesus will judge with perfect justice when He comes back, I want to act in reverent fear and love for You and other people. The blood of Jesus, the perfect sinless Lamb of God, that is far more precious than gold or silver, paid the ransom for my soul (and for all who will turn to Him in faith). You raised Christ from the dead and gave Him great glory. Now all those who trust Him by faith have been cleansed from selfishness and hatred and can love each other with pure hearts seeking what’s best for each other. Man’s laws and rules are fading away, but the Word of the Lord will last forever. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will spend significant time today praising God for who He is and His loving plan of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
- I will bring all my sins to Jesus for Him to cleanse them with His blood, and His Holy Spirit will show me how to deal with the problems in my life.
- I will thank God amid trials and troubles because God is using them to reveal Christ in me.
- I will tell someone who doesn’t know God or Christ as their Savior what He has done for them.
1 Peter 2
Reflection: Oh, how we believers in Christ need to be living out this chapter in every way in our everyday lives. This country needs a great work of the Holy Spirit to overcome hatred, dishonesty, jealousy, talking badly about others, hypocrisy, deception, envy, and fraud. People in the United States of America (especially those who seek to follow the Bible) need to be living out 1 Peter 2:17: “Show respect for everyone. Love Christians everywhere. Fear God and honor the government.” (The Living Bible)It is only as we turn to Jesus Christ, God’s precious Son, that we can do these things.
The Lord God is using believers as living stones and Christ Jesus as the cornerstone to build a beautiful dwelling place for Himself. Because of that, we should be such good neighbors and obedient citizens that those who would criticize us or our God would have no evidence to prove their case. The same is true in the workplace. In His perfect time, God will reward those who suffer unjustly. Jesus Christ is our example: he patiently suffered being betrayed, abandoned, insulted, beaten, whipped, and crucified, not for His own misdoings, but for those who were doing them (and for us). He trusted the whole situation to God the Father. We were stubborn sheep who wandered away, but now those who trust Him to rescue them have returned to the Good Shepherd and Guardian of our souls. He will keep us safe as we stay close to Him.
Prayer: Dear Lord God, You love, instruct, and empower Your people to do what is right and good in Your sight. Please love, instruct, and empower me to these acts: get rid of feelings of hatred; stop just pretending to be good; be done with dishonesty, jealousy, and speaking badly about other people. Because of Your great kindness toward me, please help me put away all evil, hypocrisy, deception, envy, and fraud. Holy Spirit, please help me to grow in the salvation You have given me. Please help me to live out 1 Peter 2:17: “Show respect for everyone. Love Christians everywhere. Fear God and honor the government.” (The Living Bible)It is only as I turn to Jesus Christ, God’s precious Son, that I can do these things. You, Lord God, are using believers (including me) as living stones and Christ Jesus as the cornerstone to build a beautiful dwelling place for Yourself. Because of that, I need to be such a good neighbor and obedient citizen that those who would criticize me or my God will have no evidence to prove their case. The same is true in the workplace. In Your perfect time, You will reward me if I suffer unjustly. Jesus Christ is my example: he patiently suffered being betrayed, abandoned, insulted, beaten, whipped, and crucified, not for His own misdoings, but for mine. He trusted the whole situation to God the Father. I was a stubborn sheep who wandered away, but now I trust You to rescue me. I have returned to my Good Shepherd and the Guardian of my soul. You will keep me safe as I stay close to You. AMEN
Action: (Ask the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will ask the Lord to show me the ways He wants me to incorporate the principles in this chapter in my daily life and then do them.
- I will ask God to show me a specific way I can be a good neighbor this week and then do it.
- I will ask God to show me a specific way I can be a good citizen and/or a good worker and then do it.
- I will thank God for rescuing this wandering sheep and for keeping me safe.
1 Peter 3
Reflection: Chapter 2 ended with reasons for our being in submission to Christ (living under His authority). Verses 1-7 discuss how wives should display inner beauty by submitting to the authority of their husbands, fitting in with their plans; husbands should love and care for their wives. Both of these actions will please and bring glory to God. Verses 8-17 list several positive actions for believers to take when in a hostile environment, even quoting from Psalm 34. Christ Jesus is our example. He never sinned, yet He suffered, died, and rose again in the place of all people for all time; therefore, He has been given all authority which He shares with those who submit to Him.
Prayer: Dear Father God who loves His children and who wants to bless them as they submit to Him and to each other, when I realize all that Jesus has endured for me, it is easier for me to submit to His authority. It is one way to show my love for Him. The same is true of wives yielding (submitting) to their husbands. Likewise, when husbands take good care of and provide for their wives, they are showing their love. Lord, help me to be submissive to You and to those who have authority over me. I know this will please You and bring You glory. It will also cause You to be more willing to answer my prayers. Loving and respecting each other is one way we show our love for You. Lord, please help me to be more supportive and understanding of other believers, especially those who are suffering harassment or outright persecution for being a Christ-follower. Help them to resist the temptation to repay evil with evil or insult with insult. Help them to bless their tormentors because You have called them to this and will bless them at some future time. May Psalm 34:12-16 bring them comfort and a sense of Your loving concern. May all Your children put this passage into practice. Please help me to set You aside as Lord (boss) of my life and to be ready always to explain why I trust and rely on You, especially amid difficulties. Thank You, Jesus, for dying for everyone but especially for me. You are totally righteous, and I was totally sinful, but, Jesus, You gave up Your life to bring me to God. Thank You that when I was immersed in water at my baptism, it symbolized Your death, burial, and resurrection. As I went under the water, I identified with You in Your death. My old self died with You, and my sins were washed away. When I came up out of the water, it symbolized Your resurrection and my new life in Christ. You, Jesus, are now seated at God the Father’s right hand with angels, authorities, and even demonic forces in submission to You. In You and because of Your constant intercession, I have been granted authority over them here on earth as well. Thank You, dearest Savior. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will ask the Lord to show me a situation where I need to be submissive to Him or to other people, and then do it.
- I will memorize Psalm 34:12-16 in a version I find easy to remember.
I will spend significant time daily praying for fellow believers who are being harassed or persecuted. - I will ask the Lord how He wants me to exercise authority, then cooperate with Him in doing so.
1 Peter 4
Reflection: The theme of this chapter is how the believer in Christ is to have the same attitude and response to suffering as He did. Since Jesus suffered on our behalf to bring us to God, we should be willing to suffer to bring others to God as well. That attitude should make it easier for us to reject the lure of the world, our flesh, or sinful behavior. We should continually remember the time of God’s judgment is near and to live practical lives of holiness, helpfulness, and hospitality. Then God will be glorified through Jesus Christ–to Him be all glory and power forever. We should consider it a “badge of honor” to be cursed and insulted for Christ’s sake, because it proves we are God’s own children doing the right things He has planned for us. We should keep on doing what is right and trust ourselves to the God who made us. He will never fail us.
Prayer: Dear Father God, thank You for watching over and directing Your children. As a believer in Christ, I want to have the same attitude and response to suffering that Jesus did. Since He suffered on my behalf to bring me to God, make me willing to suffer to bring others to You as well. I believe that approach will make it easier for me to reject the lure of the world and my own fleshly desires and to avoid sinful behavior. Help me to continually remember the time of God’s judgment is near and to live a practical life of holiness, helpfulness, and hospitality even amid difficulty. Then You, Lord God, will be glorified through Jesus Christ–to Him be all glory and power forever. May I consider it a “badge of honor” to be cursed and insulted for Christ’s sake, because it proves I am God’s own child doing the right things You have planned for me. By Your grace, I will keep on doing what is right and trusting myself to You who made me. You will never fail me.
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will seek to grow in holiness by spending time studying the scriptures for examples of holy living and/or unholy living and try to follow or avoid the pattern they set.
- I will seek to grow in helpfulness by finding ways to actually help people (either people I know or strangers), then doing them.
- I will seek to grow in hospitality by inviting people into my home for a meal or a brief stay (being sure to check with any people I live with first).
- I will pray for courage and the ability to do the next right thing God shows me to do, then do it for His glory.
1 Peter 5
Reflection: In this final portion of his letter, Peter instructs both the older and younger leaders in the churches to whom he is writing. Peter tells them to be good shepherds and to keep in mind both Jesus Christ’s suffering and His glory. He focuses on God’s grace and obedience (both Christ’s and theirs). He wanted them to participate in both just as he himself had. These leaders needed to be alert and involved in every area of their society; to be truly humble servant-leaders who were not in it for the money, the fame, or the power. They were to faithfully serve both their people and God. Their lives were to be good examples for their own and future generations. They should prepare to endure hardships because they were looking forward to the eternal reward God had reserved in heaven for them through both their and Christ’s obedience. These leaders of churches under persecution were to be humble so they that would not have to face God’s wrath. The best way to do that was to continually turn everything (good, bad, ordinary, or ugly) over to the Lord. Even though God already knew their situation, believers needed to consciously recognize and release it. Then they would be able to stand strong against that roaring lion, Satan. They were to trust Christ and remember that believers around the world were facing similar difficulties. Peter taught that at just the right time, Christ would return, lift their heads, and personally comfort and strengthen them. To Him be all power over all things forever and ever. Amen.
Prayer: Dear all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving Father-God, thank You for knowing, protecting, and loving me. Please guide both the older and younger leaders in Your church. Help them, like Peter, to keep in mind both Jesus Christ’s suffering and His glory. Thank You that, by Your grace and obedience (both Christ’s and ours), we will participate in both just as Peter did. Please raise up leaders in every area of our society (religion, business, government, media, education, families plus sports, entertainment, and the arts). They must be truly humble servant-leaders, who are not in it for the money, the fame, or the power. May they truly serve people and You. May their lives be good examples for current and future generations. May they endure hardships because they are looking forward to the eternal reward You have reserved in heaven for them. This is through both their and Christ’s obedience. [Make me that kind of leader as well.] Keep us humble so that we will not have to face Your wrath. The best way I see to do that is to continually turn everything (good, bad, ordinary, or ugly) over to You. You already know it, but I need to consciously recognize and release it. Then I will be able to stand strong against that roaring lion (liar) Satan. I will trust You, Lord, and remember that believers around the world are facing similar difficulties. At just the right time, Christ will return, lift our heads, and personally comfort and strengthen us. To Him be all power over all things forever and ever. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will ask God to show me which area of society He wants to use me to influence for Him, then do as He directs.
- I will do something specific today to be a good example to my own and future generations.
- I will make a point to pray daily for persecuted Christians around the world. (Operation World, Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs are good resources for this.)
- I will praise God and declare that Christ Jesus has all power over all things forever and ever. Amen.
Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.