God Speaks
Paul Teaches That Christ Is the Source of Our Comfort, Sincerity, Competence and Eternal Strength
Verse of the Day: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV 2011)
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We Respond
2 Corinthians 1
Reflection: After perhaps a year, the Apostle Paul wrote this second letter to the Corinthians. He commented on some of the issues from his previous letter as well as addressing new issues, such as their questioning his authority as an apostle. Paul began by focusing on God being the Corinthians’ comfort and strength in whatever trials they were facing. God would comfort them so that they could comfort others. Paul told them that he, Timothy, and Silas were suffering so that the Corinthians could be saved and comforted. As Paul and the others were comforted by God, the Corinthians would be comforted because they had supported the apostles in prayer. Paul would also be encouraged by how the Corinthians were enduring in the face of suffering. Paul then informed the Corinthians that God had delivered him from deadly peril by their prayers and those of many others. God would keep on doing so in the future as they continued to pray. The deadly situation that had Paul fearing for his life caused Paul to realize that he couldn’t rely on his own strength and ability to “work things out.” He was forced to trust God totally. God came through as He always does. Paul went on explain that he wasn’t being wishy-washy in his decision not to stop by Corinth on this trip to Macedonia (where he was at the time of this writing). Paul’s yes meant yes. Like Jesus, he kept all his promises. He wanted to spare them a strong rebuke. He delayed so that he might bring them joy instead because of the spiritual progress they were making.
Prayer: Dear God of all comfort, thank You for Your comforting presence. You have comforted me in all my afflictions so that I will be able to comfort others who are going through the same or similar difficulties. You comforted me by reminding me of Christ’s sufferings on my behalf. I should be willing to suffer on behalf of others as He did and to turn the comfort You give me around to comfort others who are suffering. I thank You for the many people who support me in many ways, especially in prayer. Please help me to always remember that I’m not supposed to try to work things out on my own, I am merely supposed to bring everything to You, trust You completely, and then simply and quickly do whatever You say. You will provide the way of escape. After all, if You can create the whole universe and raise the dead, nothing is too hard for You, my gracious Father God. All Your promises have been and will be carried out by Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who is working through believers. Please bring joy to leaders’ hearts by seeing the spiritual progress Your sealed people are making. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will ask the Lord to help me to meet with and comfort Susie (not her real name) in her difficult situation with the comfort He gave me in a similar one.
- I will continue to pray for Susie to be comforted and strengthened to obey God and do what is right in this situation.
- I will continue to pray for and encourage Doug and Dawn (not their real names) to be strong in the Lord, fully trust Him, obey Him, and do whatever is right in their situation.
- I will personally tell Bob, (not his real name) a Christian leader that I know, that I recognize the example of humility I see in his life.
2 Corinthians 2
Reflection: Paul continued with his explanation of why he hadn’t visited Corinth after his previous letter. He didn’t want to make them sad. After all, if they were unhappy, who would cheer him up? He wanted to encourage and build them up instead. He even cried over the need for his stern tone in the other letter. Now that they had shown their unified disapproval, the man from Paul’s previous letter should be forgiven and comforted so that he wouldn’t become discouraged and bitter. They should show the man that God still loved him, and they did too. His call for action and forgiveness was to verify their willingness to obey Paul. It was by Christ’s authority, for their ultimate good, and to thwart Satan’s plan to destroy God’s work among them. Paul’s delay was because he had left a thriving ministry in Troas to find Titus in Macedonia to receive his report regarding them. Praise be to God for how He continually guides and uses people to spread the life-giving perfume of the gospel. It is the glorious scent of life and eternity with God to those who are being saved, but it is the rotten stench of death and eternal judgment to those who are continually rejecting the good news of Jesus Christ. No human being can adequately fulfill such a task on their own. Only God’s Holy Spirit could enable Paul and others to minister His words with the right motivation.
Prayer: Dear Gracious God who loves us too much to let us get by with bad behavior, thank You for both disciplining us and comforting us so that we do not become bitter or discouraged. Thank you for wanting us to be happy. That’s why You gave us the Ten Commandments–to provide boundaries within which we could be happy and safe. Our keeping them makes You happy. Our breaking them makes You sad. Please encourage and build up believers, especially leaders. Help various ministries and local congregations to walk in harmony with each other. Help us be unified when You call us to apply church discipline. After repentance, please help us to forgive and comfort the wayward party telling them that You still love them, and we do too. May our response to Your call for corrective action and forgiveness verify our willingness to obey You. May it be done in Christ’s authority, for the congregation’s ultimate good, and to thwart Satan’s plan to destroy God’s work among us. May godly, wise leaders be willing to set aside even fruitful work for You to check on the spiritual health of their congregation. Praise be to You, O Lord, for how You continually guide and use ordinary people to spread the life-giving perfume of the gospel. You have said it is the glorious scent of life and eternity with You to those who are being saved, but it is the rotten stench of death and eternal judgment to those who continue to reject the good news of Jesus Christ. No human being can adequately fulfill such a task on their own. Only Your Holy Spirit (who is continually watching and listening) can enable us to minister Your words with the right motivation. That right motivation is Your glory, not our personal gain. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will thank God for the ways He has disciplined me over the years, and for His mercy and grace for when He has not.
- I will take some alone time to ask God what He needs to deal with in me at this time.
- I will ask the Lord how He wants me to encourage and build up Christian leaders, then do it.
- I will ask the Lord and trusted friends what scent I am exuding.
2 Corinthians 3
Reflection: In this chapter the Apostle Paul begins to address their questioning of the authenticity of his apostleship. He began by asking if he would need to present a letter of recommendation, and if so, he said that their changed lives in Christ were all the references he needed. Paul’s source of confidence and competence was not himself or his abilities. His source of power and authority was the power of the Holy Spirit exercising the authority of Jesus Christ the Son of God in and through him and them. If the glory of God in the old Mosaic law shone on Moses’ face, how much more should the glory of the new covenant (everlasting agreement) in Jesus Christ shine forth in the lives of those He has saved by faith in Him? Moses wore a veil over his face so that the Israelites would not see that the glorious glow was fading away. Indeed, a barrier still exists in the minds and hearts of those who think that they can be right with God by trying to keep the Ten Commandments or other rules and laws. They can’t understand the Scriptures, and some people have even given up trying. Instead, they rail against it, calling what God calls good evil and what is truly evil good. This misconception of the truth can only be corrected by turning in faith to Christ for rescue from sin. Those who do so are set free and given a new life by the Holy Spirit. As Christ’s rescued ones, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to truly shine forth the glory of the Lord. They increasingly become more and more like Him.
Prayer: Dear awesome God who is the origin of all power and authority, thank You for delegating that authority to leaders like Paul. Thank You for being my source of confidence and competence. Nothing in me could result in the changed lives of people like those in Corinth. I declare my need for the power of the Holy Spirit to exercise the authority of Christ Jesus to rescue and change me and use me to help others turn to You. For too long I have tried to hide my faults and failures behind a veil of religious activity. I didn’t want people to see how weak I really was as I drifted apart from You. With what little faith I have, I turn back to You. Please, Jesus, take all my sins (awful as they are) and wash me with Your blood. Set me free from sin, self, and Satan. Please give me a whole new life filled with Your brightness and rightness. Please cause all the evidence of the Holy Spirit to shine out from me for all to see and praise You. I want to be increasingly more and more like Jesus. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will tell my pastor or a mature Christian friend about the prayer above and my surrender to the Lord.
- I will talk with a not-yet Christian about the prayer above and ask them if they would like to do the same.
- I will make a list of the characteristics of God that Holy Spirit will develop in me and cooperate with Him in bringing it to reality.
- I will make a list of hurts, hang ups, and habits that God has rescued me from and cooperate with Him as He helps me stay free.
2 Corinthians 4
Reflection: In this chapter the Apostle Paul explained the motivation that kept him going despite the many struggles and great opposition he was facing. First, he reminded the believers in Corinth that he had been given this assignment of taking the Gospel to the Gentiles by the mercy of God Himself. Therefore, he didn’t lose heart. Second, because God was watching and listening, Paul didn’t try to cover-up or deceive them or tamper with God’s word. Therefore, he openly presented the Truth. Third, it was Satan and their own sinful nature that was blinding the minds of unbelievers, keeping them from seeing the glorious light of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Therefore, he kept shining the Light, telling people about all that Jesus was and did. Paul related that even though his human body and mind were weak and subject to distress, he knew that the God who raised Jesus from the dead would also raise him (and them) at the proper time. The temporary troubles of this world are nothing at all [a single grain of sand] in comparison with the eternal vastness of God’s glory that the saved get to enjoy in His loving presence for eternity [the whole Himalayan mountain range].
Prayer: Dear loving Father God, thank You for comforting and quieting Your children who are in distress. Lord, there are so many around the world who are suffering in so many ways. I see that these hardships and difficulties are either “natural,” manmade, or some combination of both. But You, Lord God, are far greater than it all! Since I believe in You, Lord, help me like Paul and the Psalmist, to speak up. Your power was sufficient to raise Jesus from the dead. It is strong enough to raise Paul, the Corinthians, all past and present believers, and me, too. Whether You choose to rescue those who are suffering, it is worth it if more and more people are being reached by Your grace: there will be more and more thanksgiving and more and more glory to God. Thank You that the troubles of this world are only temporary, but the blessings of Your grace and glory are eternal. Help me to keep focused on the unseen things that are eternal–namely You. You created the whole universe and everything in it, seen or unseen. You raised Jesus from the dead! You are infinite love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and restraint. In Your sovereignty, mercy, and grace, You are in the process of transforming those who believe into Your image. You will one day destroy everything that is harmful to Your children or that does not line up with Your personality or character. May it be soon. Even so, “Come, Lord Jesus.” AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will pray that God will show people who are experiencing various difficulties how He is using the situation to transform them into His image.
- I will become involved with people who are experiencing various difficulties to show them a small piece of what God is truly like.
- I will make a list of ways God has used various circumstances in my life to transform me to be more like Jesus and thank Him for them.
- I will ask God for the courage to share at least parts of this list with others as appropriate.
Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.