God Speaks
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Unveils What is Happening in Heaven and What Must Take Place
Verse of the Day: Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. (Revelation 1:3 NIV 2011)
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We Respond
Revelation 1
Reflection: The author of this blog was impressed with the thought presented in the introduction to the book of Revelation in The Message Remix by Eugene H. Peterson. He proposes that this final book of the New Testament is “a multidimensional act of Christian worship.” Therefore, I will take that approach as I reflect and pray over this very complex, final book of the Bible. Since the root words for the word revelation mean to remove a veil or to make a secret known, I will try to make the symbolism and pageantry of this book clear and understandable chapter by chapter. It seems that in every verse in this first chapter, John is either offering praise or prayer, describing the majesty of God, or portraying the situation around him. Verses 1-3 declare the subject, Jesus; the author, John; the purpose, to make Jesus known; the goal, that people would hear and heed what was written; and the reason for the book, because the end is near. Verses 4-6 proclaim as a prayer of adoration who Jesus is and what He has done. Verses 7-8 call all the nations to look to the one who was pierced, to mourn for Him, the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty One. Verses 9-11 tell who is writing, under what circumstances, why, and to whom. In verses 12-16, John describes Jesus in all His glory. Verses 17-20 tell John’s reaction of awestruck submission and Jesus’s response of loving acceptance and assignment.
Prayer: Dear Awe-evoking Father God, thank You for unveiling Jesus the Messiah in all His glory to John the Apostle. Lord, please help me to be faithful to what You want to make known through this book. I’m not a scholar and have not studied it extensively. Please help me and my readers to understand the events You foretell, revel in Your presence, and worship You with all we are. Please bless those who read this book aloud to others. Please bless those who listen and obey as well. Thank You that the end is nearer than it has ever been. Thank You, Jesus, for all that You are and for all You have done. Thank You for calling all nations and individual people to look to Jesus in repentance and faith. May I and others look to You regardless of our circumstances. Prepare and equip us to both experience and convey Your glory to those who do not yet know You. May our reactions be of utter humility that glorifies You. We welcome and accept Your loving response and assignment. This is the true worship You so magnificently deserve. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will seek to worship the Lord at the beginning and throughout this day.
- I will tell someone (preferably an unbeliever) about who Jesus is and what He has done for them.
- I will pray for friends or family members to look to Jesus in repentance and faith.
- I will look at my life as an assignment from God and try to fulfill it relying on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance.
Revelation 2
Reflection: [The author of this blog thinks of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 as a unit. Therefore, they will be addressed as “Christ’s Message to the Churches” parts one and two. Some of the same comments may appear in both PrayThrutheBible.com entries. This author must also note that The Wiersbe Bible Commentary also had a major influence on the reflections on the book of Revelation.]
Revelation chapter 2 contains Christ’s message to the following churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira. Jesus praised the believers in Ephesus for being patient, hardworking, careful, and discerning and for suffering patiently without giving up. He also commended them for hating people’s actions that He also hated. He condemned them for not loving God or people the way they had loved them at first. To be victorious and spend eternity with God, these believers would need to listen up and pay attention to the Spirit. The church in Smyrna was suffering persecution, and Jesus did not condemn them for anything. He promised to reward their faithfulness in the face of death with a crown of life. The believers in Pergamum were standing strong in the faith even while living in a city under the control of Satan and his forces; however, they were allowing sexual indulgence and idol worship. Jesus promised that if they would listen up and correct these problems, He would give them a rock with His pet name for them engraved on it. Jesus commended the believers in Thyatira for their compassion for the poor and needy, however, He condemned at least some of them for becoming involved with a woman who was leading them into immorality and idolatry. They needed to listen up and repent of their sin before He dealt harshly with both her and them.
Prayer: Dear Lord God who supervises and empowers Your people. Thank You for Your personal guidance, provision, and protection of each congregation of Your children. You understand us both as individuals and as groups. Please help me to interpret each of these messages correctly. Please help me to be patient, hardworking, carefully discerning, and to suffer patiently without giving up. I really want to keep on loving You and other people as I did when I first came to know You. I don’t want my Christian life to become stale and routine. I will do my best to listen and pay attention to the Spirit. Then I will be able to enjoy being with You for eternity. Help me to be like the church in Smyrna when suffering persecution. If so, Jesus won’t have anything for which to condemn me. He promised to reward faithfulness in the face of death with a crown of life. Please help me listen to and do what the Holy Spirit says regarding spiritual warfare and lax morals so that You will be free to give me my special, private name. I need Your help and direction, Father, to show compassion to the poor and needy while confessing my sins and avoiding immorality and idolatry. Then I will bring honor and glory to Your name. Amen
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will begin (or continue) keeping a journal of what the Lord shows me in my times with Him either through the Bible, sermons, discussions, or private thoughts.
- I will write a letter to my pastor or another Christian leader to encourage them in whatever way God shows me.
- I will look for ways (perhaps new or fresh) to show my love for the Lord and people, then do them.
- I will speak up for the poor and needy by doing whatever God directs in fighting for the lives of unborn children and the salvation of their parents.
Revelation 3
Reflection: [The author of this blog thinks of Revelation chapters 2 and 3 as a unit. Therefore, they will be addressed as ” Christ’s Message to the Churches” parts one and two. Some of the same comments may appear in both PrayThrutheBible.com entries. This author must additionally note that The Wiersbe Bible Commentary also had a major influence on the reflections on the book of Revelation.]
Revelation chapter 3 contains Christ’s message to the following churches: Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Christ’s message to the majority of the people involved in the church in Sardis was one of condemnation. They appeared to be active and thriving, but His internal examination showed them to be nearly dead. Jesus called for the resuscitation of remembrance, repentance, and return to their original strong reliance on Himself. Only a few were commended for their faithful avoidance of sin which would be rewarded with white robes and their names permanently recorded in the Book of Life. The message of the One who is holy and true to those in Philadelphia: the Lord knew their faithfulness to Him, what they were going through, and how weak and powerless they felt. He promised to open a door of ministry for them, protect them through their trials and tribulation, make their enemies admit that they were wrong, and remove His people if necessary. Christ would come soon and take His faithful ones to be with Him in the new Jerusalem where they would receive a crown and His new name. The message to believers in Laodicea: quit being lukewarm, wake up, and answer Jesus’s knock at the door. Recognize their true condition, shake off their apathy, and turn to Christ in repentance and faith. Jesus was coming soon to either discipline or reward His people. It was up to them which it would be.
Prayer: Dear gracious God, You are the only one who can examine our hearts (our inner being) and know if we are truly alive in Christ. Lord, please show me where I need resuscitation or rehabilitation, and then help me to correct the situation. It’s only by staying close to You, avoiding sin, and obeying You that I will see my name written in the Book of Life. Lord, You know my level of faithfulness, what I am going through, and how weak and powerless I feel. You promise to open a door of ministry for me, protect me through the trials and tribulation ahead, make my enemies admit that they were wrong, and remove me if necessary. You, my Messiah, will come soon and take Your faithful ones to be with You in the new Jerusalem where I will receive a crown and Your new name. Holy Spirit, please help me to quit being lukewarm, wake up, and answer Jesus’s knock at the door. I recognize my true condition, shake off my apathy, and turn to You, my Savior, in repentance and faith. Jesus, You are coming soon either to discipline or reward me as one of Your people. It is up to me which it will be. I yield to whatever will bring You the most glory. AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will ask the Lord to show me where I need resuscitation or rehabilitation and to help me to correct the situation.
- I will ask the Lord to show me how I can help those I am closest to (whether physically or relationally) to stay close to God, avoid sin, and obey the Lord. Then I will do whatever He shows me.
- I will use these messages to the seven churches to encourage and/or admonish various individuals or congregations as God directs.
- I will do whatever God shows me to help my local congregation to be all that He desires them to be and do.
Revelation 4
Reflection: After the Apostle John was given Christ’s messages to the seven churches on earth, he was invited into Heaven. The glorious things there were revealed to him as well as the events which are to come. The beauty and majesty presented are overwhelming, even though we only experience it via the printed word and our imaginations. The depth of color portrayed by the green jasper, the reddish brown of carnelian, the rich green of an emerald, and a beautiful rainbow is breathtaking to imagine. So are the twenty-four elders with their white robes and gold crowns or the four awesome living creatures covered with eyes.
Prayer: O Holy God, I am awe-struck by Your majesty and beauty. I can only in all humility whisper along with all the elders living creatures and hosts of angels, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty–the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.”* I fall down and worship, casting any crown or award I may have received at Your feet. I join with the 24 elders in wonder saying, “You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For You created all things, and they exist because You created what You pleased.”** To You alone O God, be all glory, honor, and praise. AMEN
* Revelation 4:8 NLT **Revelation 4:11 NLT
Action: (Ask the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will take some significant time alone and quiet to read aloud, contemplate, and offer the praises in this chapter to the Lord in prayer.
- I will recruit one or more people to join me.
- I will start my day reading these verses aloud.
- I will use this chapter when trying to talk with someone who doesn’t yet know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.
Revelation 5
Reflection: John’s visit to Heaven is continued in Revelation chapter five. The Apostle John was given an awe-evoking tour of the workings of Heaven and a glimpse of God’s plans for the future of mankind. He was amazed by what he saw and heard. John grieved deeply when at first there appeared to be no one worthy to break the seals and open the scroll. But then, the One who is both the Lion of Judah and the Lamb who was slain stepped forward. That was Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Grief likely turned to great gratitude in John’s heart for all that Jesus, the Messiah, had done for him and for the whole human race. He may have fallen to his knees and declared along with the vast multitude of angels, the twenty-four elders, the four living creatures, and every being on earth (living or dead), “The Lamb is worthy–the Lamb who was slain. He is worthy to receive the power, and the riches, and the wisdom, and the strength, and the honor, and the glory, and the blessing.”*. . . The blessing and the honor and the glory and the power belong to the one sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever. Amen!”**
* Revelation 5:12 TLB **Revelation 5:13-14 TLB
Prayer: Dear magnificent Father God, how awesome You are. Thank You for giving the Apostle John this awe-evoking tour of the workings of Heaven, Your dwelling place, as well as a glimpse of Your plans for the future of mankind. Again, I stand in awe of You. I grieve along with John when, at first, there appears to be no one worthy to break the seals and open the scroll. But then, the One who is both the Lion of Judah and the Lamb who was slain stepped forward. That was You, Jesus, my Savior and Lord. The mere words “Thank You” are not big enough to contain the gratitude in my heart for all that You have done for me and for the whole human race. I fall to my knees and declare along with the vast multitude of angels, the twenty-four elders, the four living creatures, and every being on earth (living or dead), “The Lamb is worthy–the Lamb who was slain. He is worthy to receive the power, and the riches, and the wisdom, and the strength, and the honor, and the glory, and the blessing. . . The blessing and the honor and the glory and the power belong to the one sitting on the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever.” AMEN
Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)
- I will take some significant time alone and quiet to read aloud, contemplate, and offer the praises in this chapter to the Lord in prayer.
- I will recruit one or more people to join me.
- I will start my day reading these verses aloud every day for at least one week, beginning tomorrow morning.
- Because of all Jesus, the Lamb who was slain, has done for me, I will make it a point each day to do something for someone else that makes their life better in some way, however small that may be. My aim is to point them to Him.
Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.