Revelation 12-18

God Speaks

The Woman Pursued by the Dragon, Beasts out of the Sea and the Earth, the Lamb and 144,000, Three Angels, Seven Plagues and Bowls, and Babylon 

Verse of the Day: “And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb: “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations. Who will not fear you, Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.” (Revelation 15:2-4 NIV 2011)

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Revelation 12

Reflection: The author of this blog has come to see this chapter as the script or directions for a pageant. First, the main characters are identified: the woman, Israel (vv 1-2); the red dragon, Satan (vv 3-4); the male child, Christ (vv 5-6); the angel, Michael (vv 7-9). The story, which begins in verse 10, is a panoramic view of how the Dragon (Satan) hates and will try to destroy “the woman” (the Jewish people and Israel) and the “child” (the Messiah Jesus and those related to Him by faith). Throughout history there have been attempts by the enemies of God to destroy people in general and Jews and Christians in particular. The reason is that Satan hates God and everything He is connected with, especially those He created and loves. Anyone who fears, loves, and seeks to obey God is a target for Satan’s schemes, but, as verse 11 tells us, he can be overcome by the blood of the Lamb (Christ’s blood shed at the crucifixion) and by their faithful testimony of what God has done in their lives. This is even more true when they give up their lives for the sake of others and the Good News of Christ. When Satan failed to conquer the woman (in the Holocaust as an example), he went on to harass the rest of her children (the massacre of Christians in Syria and Nigeria or the horrific mistreatment of Uighurs and Falun Gong in China as examples).     

Prayer: Dear all-knowing God, You know the end from the beginning because You are the beginning of everything. Thank You for this “trailer” or “behind the scenes” look at what takes place in heaven and on earth throughout time and eternity. Thank You for this glimpse of the war that has gone on since Satan and a third of the angelic beings pridefully rebelled against You. This war takes place both in heaven and on the earth, both in individual lives and in groups or nations. Thank You that Jesus Christ conquered sin, death, and evil by His sacrificial life, suffering and death. Your raising Him from the dead was verification of His victory. Now everyone who turns to You in faith and obedience will spend eternity enjoying Your presence instead of in misery apart from You. Please help me to live out this truth and share it with others. AMEN 

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will use biblical resource materials to study scriptures where Israel is referred to as a woman. [Some passages to get started: Isaiah 54:5, 66:7; Jeremiah 3:6-10; Micah 4:10, 5:2-3. The book of Hosea tells how that prophet was instructed by God to take an unfaithful wife as an illustration of God’s relationship with unfaithful Israel.] 
  • I will use biblical resource materials to study scriptures which relate how (from the beginning down to the present day) Satan has hated God’s highest creation (human beings), His chosen people (the Jews), His one and only Son (Jesus), and all those who fear, trust, and obey God. [Some passages to get started: Genesis 3:1-19 (The first sin); Exodus 1:8-22 (Pharaoh); Esther 1:1-10:3 (Haman); Matthew 2:1-23 (Herod); Acts 9:1-2 (Saul of Tarsus).] 
  • I will use biblical resource materials to study scriptures which show how Jesus, the Son of God, has and will defeat Satan. [Some passages to get started: 1 Chronicles 29:11 (David attributes victory to God–including the Messiah.); 1 Corinthians 15:54-58 (victory over death); 1 John 5:4-6 (How we get victory over sin.] 
  • I will use the results of these studies to stand strong whenever Satan tries to accuse or attack me.

Revelation 13


The pageant continues with two new characters: the beast from the sea and the beast from the land. This makes up the unholy trinity: The Dragon, Satan, seeks to dethrone God the Father. The beast from the sea is empowered by Satan and is the Antichrist. The beast from the land is the false prophet, who performs miracles to deceive the people of the world into obeying and worshiping the Dragon. Some of God’s predetermined, faithful people will be imprisoned and some will be killed. but they should not be discouraged but endure their circumstances with complete confidence in God. The second beast had a tremendous statue built to honor the first beast and brought it to life. He demanded that all the people of the world worship it and receive a special number associated with the antichrist on their bodies in order to buy or sell anything. That number is 666.  


Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are the only true and awesome Triune God. Help Your people to be alert, wise and know how to respond properly to the antichrist and the false prophet. Give us the endurance, courage and confidence we need (in You) to fight current and future spiritual battles. Help us to properly interpret 666 and act according to You Word and direction. Most of all, help us not to be overcome by evil but to overcome evil with good. For the glory of the Lord. AMEN


(Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will ask the Lord to show me how He wants to use my trials and troubles for His glory and my ultimate good.
  • I will study to develop a biblical view of the news I see broadcast or read on newsfeeds.
  • I will ask the Lord to show me at least one way, however small, He can use me to overcome evil with good today, and then do it.
  • I will “turn my eyes upon Jesus” and focus “on things above, not on earthly things” in some tangible way today. (Listening to and singing Christmas carols for example.)

Revelation 14


The pageant continues. It isn’t clear whether this scene of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion in Jerusalem is taking place on earth, in Heaven or are events on earth viewed from a heavenly perspective. Whichever it is, a massive choir, 144,000 voices strong, is singing a new song, accompanied by harps, to their Savior and King, the Lamb, that only they have the right to sing because of their faithfulness. Then three angels appeared. The first proclaimed the good news of salvation in Christ to every nation, tribe, language and people group. The second declared, “Babylon (the world’s greatest economy) has fallen.” The third angel explained the consequences of worshiping the beast and taking his mark.  A loud voice from heaven announced the blessing of those who die in the Lord. A fourth angel told the “son of man” (Jesus), sitting on a cloud and holding a sickle, that the harvest on the earth is ready for reaping. A fifth angel came out of the temple carrying a sharp sickle. Still another angel, in charge of the fire on the altar, instructed those with sickles to harvest the grapes and cast them into the winepress of God’s wrath. The resulting massive flow of blood was about five feet high and 180 miles long.* [The width was not given.]

* based on information found on 


Dear God who is sovereign over the events of both Heaven and earth, thank You for revealing Your view of what has, is, and will take place. Only You know the true meaning of past, present and future events (to us human beings) in both. It is all current to You. Please help me to understand and faithfully perform my part of Your grand design whatever its level of significance. Please help me to assist others in doing the same. It is only by Your great mercy and grace that I don’t have to suffer under Your righteous wrath. Your Son, Jesus, did that for me. For that I am eternally grateful. However, I sense that You are calling me to follow His example and lay down my life, desires, rights, and comforts for the sake of others, to take up my cross just as He did. My sin-filled human nature is resisting. Help me, Holy Spirit, to rely on You and exhibit the evidence of Your presence for Your glory. AMEN  


(Ask the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)    Author’s note: After meaningfully praying the prayer above, I can only suggest to the readers of this blog that they join me in the following:

  • I will do the next right thing the Lord is asking of me and record the results.
  • I will seek to understand and faithfully perform my part of God’s grand design.
  • I will strive to assist others in doing the same.
  • I will lay down my life, desires, rights, and comforts for the sake of others.

Revelation 15


This short chapter portrays the two w’s of the book of Revelation, the worship and wrath of God. There was a choir of those who had been victorious in their stand against the Beast, his statue and his mark and number. Their song ascribing great praise, glory, victory and honor to God was similar to Moses’s song in Exodus 15 after God had rescued the Israelites from the Egyptians. It also praised and glorified the Lord Jesus, the Lamb, who rescued them (and us) from sin and death. Then the seven angels prepared to deliver the seven plagues contained in seven bowls. At the end of these plagues, the expression of God’s wrath upon the earth would be complete.   


Great and mighty God, all I can do is to join with those to whom You gave victory over the Beast. “Great and marvelous are Your doings, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are Your ways, O King of Ages. Who shall not fear, O Lord, and glorify Your Name? For You alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before You, for Your righteous deeds have been disclosed” (Revelation 15:3-4 TLB).

LORD God, who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are worthy to receive all the praise of the ages and throughout eternity. You have continued to rescue Your people from the grasp of the Evil One and those who serve him. Thank You is not adequate to express the overwhelming gratitude in my heart for all You have done for me. May I live out the thanks I cannot fully express in words, by telling others what You have done and urging them to turn to You as well. AMEN


Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.

  • I will thank God continually for rescuing me from the path of sin and death I used to follow.
  • I will tell someone how they can be rescued as well.
  • I will thank God for rescuing me by showing His love to someone else in some way today.
  • I will start a list of things God has rescued me from so that I can be specific when I thank Him.

Revelation 16


In this chapter seven angels pour out seven containers (various translations use bowls, flasks, vials)  of plagues, the wrath of God poured out on the earth. The contents of the first container caused horrible, malignant and painful sores to break out on all the people who had pledged allegiance to the beast, worshipped him, and verified it by receiving his mark. The contents of the second caused the water in the oceans to turn to blood, killing all of the fish and other sea creatures. The third turned bodies of fresh water blood-red as well with the same result. The contents of the fourth caused the sun to be so hot it scorched people (and everything else).  The fifth container was poured over the seat of government, plunging it into darkness. With the sixth, the Euphrates river was dried up allowing a vast army from the East to cross and join the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet for a great battle on the plain of Megiddo. The seventh bowl resulted in the shout of “Done.” from the Temple and an unprecedentedly devastating earthquake.* This was followed by giant, life-destroying hail which caused people to curse God even more. Through all of this destruction, people refused to repent and turn from their sins to the true and living God their creator. 

* [This reminded this blog’s author of Jesus’s, “It is finished.” and the earthquake at the crucifixion.]


Dear God, You are the source of all justice, wisdom and righteous. I echo the statement, “You are just in sending this judgment, O Holy One, who is and was, for Your saints and prophets have been martyred.  [Besides that, more than 61,000,000 innocent lives have been ended by abortion in the USA since January 22, 1973.]  I further assert, “Yes, Lord God Almighty, Your punishments are just and true.” You will come unexpectedly, like a thief. You said, “Blessed are all who are awaiting me, who keep their robes in readiness and will not need to walk naked and ashamed.” But people still refused to change their attitudes and cursed God instead. They “cursed the God of heaven for their pains and sores, but they refused to repent of all their evil deeds.” There will come a time when You, Lord, will say, “Enough,” This means that the rebellion of mankind is complete, and You will take action. The statement by Dr. Weirsbe is true. “Jesus Christ may return at any time, and it behooves us to keep our lives clean, to watch, and to be faithful.”* Only by Your power, Holy Spirit, can we do so.  AMEN

*Warren W. Weirsbe, The Weirsbe Bible Commentary, Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook 2007, p. 1072.*

* All other quotations are from The Living Bible (TLB) Revelation 16. 


(Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will confess my personal sins to the Lord and receive the forgiveness made available to me by the cross.
  • I will confess the sins of my family and lineage and receive the forgiveness made available to us by the cross.
  • I will confess the sins of my community, people group and nation and receive the forgiveness made available to us by the cross.
  • I will work in cooperation with other people and the Holy Spirit to replace these evil attitudes and actions with positive, God and people-honoring ones.

Revelation 17


The scene of the Revelation pageant now shifts to introduce a new, X-rated character. The Notorious Prostitute (as TLB calls her) is a woman dressed in fancy clothes in purple and scarlet (rare and very expensive in bible times) with lots of expensive, gaudy jewelry riding a scarlet beast while holding a golden goblet filled with obscenities. “Babylon the Great, Mother of Prostitutes and of Idol Worship Everywhere around the World” was written on her forehead. She appeared to be drunk from the blood of the Christian martyrs. The woman represents a great city that rules over all the world (as Babylon once did). The scarlet beast, that had seven heads and ten horns, represents ten kings and their nations that the women tries to control. But they hate her and rebel against her. The Lord God Almighty will put a plan in the minds of these kings, a plan that will accomplish His purposes. In His timing God will sentence her (along with the scarlet beast and their followers whose names are not written in the Lamb’s book of life) to eternal destruction in the bottomless pit. This is because they continually waged war and rebelled against the Lamb. But, the Lamb wins because He is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords, and His people are called the chosen and faithful ones.   


Dear Lord God, thank You for giving Your followers this sneak preview of how Your plans and purposes intersect with (and thwart) the expectations of Satan and those aligned with him. Your will will always succeed even when it appears to fail. Satan thought that He had won with the crucifixion when he had actually lost, big time. Help me and others of Your people to remember that when things look bad or don’t go the way we thought they should. Help us to continue to trust, obey and thank You in the midst of everything. Please help us to count ourselves dead to the lures of the world (the culture in which we live), the flesh (our old sinful patterns of thought and behavior) and Satan and his forces (his lust for power, control and opposition to You, Lord God). You have shone me that the woman and the beast represent the people and systems that are opposed to You and Your loving and kind purposes for mankind. Praise You, Lord. that You are the ultimate winner. AMEN       

(Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will keep a notebook of the news and list (side-by-side if possible) how I see God at work in a particular situation and/or how I see Satan at work. 
  • I will pray that God will strengthen, supply and support His workers for good.
  • I will do something today to strengthen, supply and support whatever good I see being done.
  • I will thank God for something, even in the midst of difficulty, great or small. I’ll thank other people as well.   

Revelation 18

Reflection: Chapter 18 of Revelation depicts the fall of Babylon, not the actual city of Old Testament times, but the whole world order and worldview apart from God. This author has come to view the whole book of Revelation much like Ebenezer Scrooge’s dream in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. Revelation gives us a past, present, and future view of the nations’ and/or churches’ relationship with God from Heaven’s perspective. We can have a bright, glorious forever future honoring God following His principles, or we can have a dark, miserable eternity following Satan and his enticements to sin and rebellion. It is up to us as individuals and as families and groups to choose whom we will follow. It is not too late, yet. We must turn back to God and His principles if we want to avoid Babylon’s governmental, economic, and societal collapse. 

Prayer: Dear Great God in Heaven, thank You for the warning to avoid evil and the encouragement and empowerment to do good. I confess that our great cities and small villages have become dens of demons, haunts for devils, and homes for every kind of wicked spirit. People are under the control of every kind of intense immorality and wicked rebellion against You. It has infected every aspect of our society: government; business and the economy; media and communications; sports, entertainment, and the arts; our educational systems; even our churches and families (We are killing our unborn babies by millions a year and encouraging lawlessness on every front). Only You can rescue us from this quagmire. As I ponder these insurmountable problems, it seems impossible for human beings. It is for us, but not for You. In fact, even before creation, You knew this would happen. You set in motion Your rescue plan. Down through the ages, You prepared the way. Then at just the right time, You caused Your Son to be born of a virgin, live an exemplary life performing miracles and pointing people to You, and then He bore our sins on His own body and died on a Roman cross. To prove that the hold of Satan, demonic forces, and eternal death had been broken, You raised Jesus from the dead. Now those who turn to You in faith receive forgiveness and freedom in Christ. As they are commissioned and transformed, Your Holy Spirit equips and empowers each one and uses them to transform society. May it be so. Come soon, Lord Jesus, for the final judgment. AMEN      

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will thank God for this master plan of redemption of the whole human race and all of creation.
  • I will discuss this with a fellow believer and pray together for revival that could forestall the need for severe judgment at this time.
  • I will discuss this with a not-yet-believer in Jesus to warn them of the coming judgment and how they can avoid it.
  • I will search newsfeeds for signs of God’s working to transform individual lives in the process of changing nations and discuss them with the Lord, praising Him for all He is doing.   

Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.