Romans 14-16

God Speaks

Paul’s Final Instructions and Greetings to Believers in Rome

Verse of the Day: Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my gospel the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all the Gentiles might come to the obedience that comes through faith–to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.

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We Respond

Romans 14

Reflection: The Apostle Paul has moved on to discussing how to handle differences of opinion between believers in Christ. These principles do not directly apply to unbelievers because they do not have the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide them. They have only their human consciences and reasoning, which may or may not lead them into right living.  We believers are to be open and welcoming to each other. Those on each side of a disagreement are not to condemn or force their views on the other. We are to accept each other as individuals, not necessarily their opinions. We should each turn to God and let Him correct and direct us. This applies not just to food, but to religious observances as well. “We are not our own bosses to live or die as we ourselves might choose. [Neither should we try to force other people to think or behave as we consider best.] Living or dying we [should] follow the Lord. Either way we are His. Christ died and rose again for this very purpose, so that He can be our Lord both while we live and when we die.” (Romans 14:7-9 TLB) Let’s stop criticizing each other and look for ways to help each other avoid doing something we think is wrong. If there is something we know (between us and the Lord) is all right, but it causes confusion or stumbling for a brother or sister in Christ, we should voluntarily abstain (at least in their presence) for the sake of harmony in the body of Christ. Let’s seek to build others up, not tear them down. If we think something is wrong but go ahead and do it anyway, that is sin. So is not doing what we know is right.

Consider the following questions regarding Romans 14:

1. What does this chapter tell me about God?

2. What does this chapter tell me about the human beings He created?    

Here is one possible answer to each of these questions. Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any others for you personally to ponder.  

1. God is the only one who has the right to pass judgment on people because only He knows the individual hearts and circumstances involved.

2. People who have experienced the LORD’s mercy and grace should extend it to others.


3. How might I pray regarding Romans 14?  

Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for loving all people especially those You have adopted as Your children because of their faith in Your Son. Please help us (Your adopted children) to accept and live in harmony with each other. Help us to handle conflicting viewpoints graciously. Only You know our private thoughts, motivations, and circumstances. Help us to extend Your mercy and grace to each other and to those not yet in the family by faith in Jesus. Please help us lean on You for the strength of character to set aside our personal preferences for the sake of others and the courage to stand up for what we know is right, when necessary and appropriate. AMEN

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

4. What action does the LORD want me to take in response to Romans 14? With the help of God’s Holy Spirit:

  • I will ask the Lord to show me where I need to yield to the opinions of another believer, then do it.
  • I will quietly discuss a controversial issue with a fellow believer seeking clarity over agreement.
  • I will ask a fellow believer with whom I disagree how I could help or serve them, then do it.
  • I will use bible reference materials to compile a personal report on where I stand on five controversial issues in the news this week. 

Romans 15

Reflection: Whenever there is a disagreement among believers in Christ, those of us who are more mature should check it out both in prayer and with the scriptures. Then if it seems not to make a difference to God or to us, we should yield to those who are less secure. Why let a mere disagreement hinder our team spirit? We should follow Jesus’s example. He watched out for and met the needs of others ahead of His own–sacrificing His own physical life that we might have complete forgiveness and eternal life with God. The good news is that both Jews and non-Jews (Gentiles) are made holy and acceptable to God by Jesus’s dying and rising again and by the Holy Spirit working faith in them and changing their lives. It will be the joy of Paul (and all those who have taken up the challenge to take the good news of Christ to those who have never heard of Him) to present people as a glorious offering to God on behalf of Christ Jesus. Those who receive spiritual blessings should in return use their material resources to bless others, especially those who blessed them. We should reach out to both those ahead of us and behind us on the trail of faith.

Consider the following questions regarding Romans 15:

1. What does this chapter tell me about God?

2. What does this chapter tell me about the human beings He created?    

Here is one possible answer to each of these questions. Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any others for you personally to ponder.  

1. The LORD God is the source of encouragement, hope, unity, acceptance, truth, and peace for the people who turn to and depend on Him.

2. People, both Jews and Gentiles, are to glorify God, to praise Him, and to sing for joy in His presence.


3. How might I pray regarding Romans 15?

Dear God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, please give Your adopted children “patience, steadfastness, and encouragement. Help [us] to live in complete harmony with each other–each with the attitude of Christ toward the other. And then all of us can praise the Lord together with one voice, giving glory to [You].” (Romans 15:5-6 TLB) God of all hope, please give Your people hope, and keep us content and full of peace as we trustingly rest in You. I pray that You will help us overflow with hope in Christ through the Holy Spirit’s power within us. I pray for believers around the world to be protected from those who oppose the things of God. I pray that these children of Yours will receive all that they need to carry on Your work. I pray that Your workers will have happy hearts as they refresh each other. May You, the source of all true peace, be with Your people wherever they are. AMEN   

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

4. What action does the LORD want me to take in response to Romans 15? With the help of God’s Holy Spirit:

  • I will write out this prayer and pray it at least once each day for a week.
  • I will ask the Lord to show me ways to set aside my preferences for the sake of harmony in a group (especially of believers), then do it.
  • I will ask someone I know, “What do you know or feel about Jesus?” Then I will listen without interrupting or judging while asking only clarifying questions.
  • I will ask a stranger the question above. 

Romans 16

Reflection: The Apostle Paul was definitely a people-person with a good memory. Although he had not been to Rome, he sent greetings to at least 29 people by name, commenting specifically on several, besides referring to groups of others. He also commended and recommended fellow workers for the sake of the gospel. He was a team player and didn’t take all the credit for himself. In the midst of these happy greetings, the Holy Spirit used Paul and Tertius, his secretary, to warn the readers to stay away from slick talkers who spread division, confusion, and contradiction (16:17-18). Paul also affirmed the Romans in their clear and loyal stand for truth and righteousness and their innocence of wrongdoing. He assured them of God’s granting them victory over Satan and His continued blessings through Christ Jesus.   

Consider the following questions regarding Romans 16:

1. What does this chapter tell me about God?

2. What does this chapter tell me about the human beings He created?

Here is one possible answer to each of these questions. Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any others for you personally to ponder.  

1. This chapter shows how God is concerned about both individuals and larger groups of people (house-churches, cities, people groups, and nations). 

2. People, especially Christians, are to reach out to love, support, and encourage one another. 


3. How might I pray regarding Romans 16? 

(A modification of the Apostle Paul’s closing words to the Romans (16:25-27 TLB)

Dear Lord God, I commit the readers of this blog and all other believers in Christ (those I know and those I do not) to You. You are able to make us strong and steady in Christ, This is what the Gospel proclaims and the scriptures teach. This is Your great plan for saving souls which has been gradually developed and revealed from the beginning of time. But now as the prophets foretold and as You command, this message is being preached everywhere, so that people around the world will have faith in Christ and obey Him. To You, Lord God, who alone is wise, be glory forever through Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN   

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

4. What action does the LORD want me to take in response to Romans 16? With the help of God’s Holy Spirit:

  • I will write a letter of encouragement to a persecuted Christian through Open Doors USA, Voice of the Martyrs, or Every Home for Christ.
  • I will pray for a fellow believer whose name I receive through one of the above organizations or another source I know.
  • I will seek to establish a pen-pal relationship with a Christian in another country.
  • I will prayer or praise-walk around my neighborhood, complex, or apartment building as the beginning step of BLESS. 

Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.