Titus 1-3

God Speaks

Paul Wrote This Letter to Titus to Instruct Him on How Leaders and People in the Churches Ought to Conduct Themselves and Why

Verse of the Day:  Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone. (Titus 3:1-2 NIV 2011)

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Titus 1

Reflection: The book of Titus is another letter written by Paul to a son in the faith, Titus. Paul had left Titus in Crete to stay and finish the task Paul had begun in the church there as he left for his next assignment from God. As Titus traveled to the various towns in Crete appointing leaders for various groups of Christians, he had one main question, “What qualities should these men have?” The answer was that a Christian leader: must lead a blameless life, be faithful to their one spouse, have believing and well-behaved family members, have a good reputation even with unbelievers, show respect for their parents and other authorities, be courteous and obedient to the law, manage their business affairs and personal finances well. They should be even-tempered, self-controlled, flexible but stand firm in the truth, hospitable, just, always looking for the good. They must be faithful to the Word of God as they teach only sound doctrine. They will be pure in all things, shown by their actions even more than their words.  

Prayer: Dear Father God, You are the One who assigns leaders to various groups of believers. You are the One who sets the parameters for what is needed to carry out Your work. Unlike other masters, however, Your Holy Spirit indwells Your servants to “will and to do of Your good pleasure.” As Your mature children, we can count on You to help us: to lead a blameless life, be faithful to our one spouse, have believing and well-behaved family members, have a good reputation even with unbelievers, show respect for our parents and other authorities, be courteous and obedient to the law. In response to Your direction, I can manage my business affairs and personal finances well. I can be even tempered, self-controlled, flexible but stand firm in the truth, hospitable, just, always looking for the good. I know that I must be faithful to the Word of God as I teach only sound doctrine. I determine to be pure in all things shown by my actions even more than my words. I want to live by Your grace for Your glory, Lord.  AMEN

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will pray for God’s direction and discernment for those who are tasked with appointing pastors and missionaries. I pray that these guidelines will be helpful to them.
  • I will ask the Holy Spirit to develop these qualities in me, then I will cooperate with Him.
  • I will talk with Christian leaders that I know and encourage them as they do the same.
  • I will, as I have opportunity to, disciple young adults or believers who are young in the faith and work with the Holy Spirit and them to develop these attributes.

Titus 2

Reflection: In the previous chapter Paul advised Titus on how Christian leaders should conduct themselves. Here he addresses how Christians in various stages and/or positions in life should act. Although Paul mentions that Titus should preach sound doctrine, he presents guidance for godly daily living. Perhaps, the reason is that what we believe should guide how we live.  Knowing and believing the truth about God’s love and patience with us should motivate older men to be dignified, steady and reliable, self-controlled, and worthy of respect. Knowing that God is good to them and cares for them should help older women to reach out to younger women instead of gossiping about or slandering them or turning to drugs or alcohol for comfort or support. Learning from older women what the Bible says about relating to their husbands and raising their children should help younger women to live more God-honoring lives. Young men learning about the Holy Spirit’s enabling should help them to conquer their fleshly desires. Christian leaders who are examples of Christ-centered living by exhibiting integrity, dignity and sound speech will prevent opponents from shaming or speaking evil of the faith. If slaves (workers) know that Christ is Lord of all, even their masters, they will be able to work diligently and with inner joy and be less likely to rebel, pilfer, or be insubordinate. Verses 11-14 summarize the gospel and exactly what Titus is to teach his people.    

Prayer: Dear Great and Awesome God who has provided all we need for life and godliness, thank You for giving us the Bible and the Holy Spirit to inform and equip believers to live the way You intended. That is because You love us and want us to be truly happy. Holy Spirit, You are the ultimate Teacher. Please teach me to recognize and believe the truth (especially about Jesus Christ), putting it into practice with love and patience. Help me to be quiet and respectful in everything I do, being a good role model for others. Help me to please You as I interact with my family members, neighbors, and friends but especially with my enemies (those who abuse or accuse me). Please help me to take Your directives and life (but not myself) seriously, not wasting precious time on temporary or unimportant manners. May my lifestyle and worldview set a good example for believers to follow and for those who oppose the gospel to be silenced. May I be a good and honest worker at whatever I do. May my life illustrate the good news: Because of Jesus Christ, the free gift of salvation from sin is available to everyone now. Upon receiving this gift by faith, I began to realize that You want me to continually turn from my old useless and sinful ways and the pleasures of this world to continually live a good God-fearing life. I now expectantly look for Jesus to return in great glory. As the only God-man, He died under Your judgment of my sin, thereby rescuing me from constantly falling into sin. You were free then to make me Your very own child with all the rights and privileges of the Son. You cleansed my heart and gave me the ability to pass Your forgiveness, mercy, grace, and lovingkindness on to others.  I am truly, eternally grateful. AMEN

Action: (Ask the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will demonstrate my gratitude to Jesus for saving me by telling others what He has done for them as well. 
  • I will participate in a Bible study group to learn more about what God expects of His children.
  • I will do whatever I can, in whatever way, to help spread this wonderful news.
  • I will spend time daily communicating with God to get to know Him better.

Titus 3

Reflection: Paul advises Titus to instruct his people to obey governmental authorities and not to be argumentative or quarrelsome. Instead, they should be kind, gentle, and courteous to everyone. Then Paul restated the gospel: God’s people had been foolish, disobedient, and imprisoned by all types of sin, but God’s great kindness and love developed a plan to set us free. Jesus, the perfect Son, came and died in our place. We didn’t earn or deserve it. Out of kindness, compassion, mercy, and grace the Holy Spirit set us free, washed us totally and completely clean, and moved into us so we could be full to overflowing with joy and all the other evidence of His presence. This is all because of what Jesus did in His life, suffering, death, and resurrection. God the Father has now made us heirs of His kingdom with all the rights and privileges of the Son He loves. By ever increasing faith in Christ, we will live good, productive lives blessing others here on earth and spend eternity in heaven blessing and thanking God. This is what Paul wanted Titus to preach and promote. Verses 9-15 are Paul’s final instructions and farewell. As with most of his letters, Paul closes with the words “Grace to you all.”

Prayer: Dear Awesome God, thank You for knowing even before You created the universe and everything in it that we weak human beings would sin and mess things up. Thank You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, that You formed a plan whereby we could be saved through faith while not violating Your sovereignty and justice. Thank You for carrying out that wonderful plan. Thank You for saving everyone who has or ever will be saved by faith in the Lord Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for all You suffered on our behalf and for the joy You felt knowing that having us with You in Heaven forever was worth it all. Thank You for the simple yet profound exchange of our sin for Jesus’s righteousness. Thank You, Holy Spirit for indwelling believers enabling us to do whatever You have in mind now and for eternity. Thank You for this letter that You caused to be included in the Scriptures to give us direction for Your church down through the ages. Thank You for Yourself and all that You are. AMEN    

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will praise God for all that He is, has done, and will do.
  • I will mention God in some way at least once every day this week.
  • I will demonstrate my love for God and love for people in some specific way every day this week.
  • I will find ways to avoid getting into arguments or quarrels.

Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.