Pray Thru the Bible Day 002

God Speaks

Read Genesis 4-7, source

TBR Day 002: Genesis 4-7

We Respond

Biblical principle from the passage: We do not have to teach children to sin. It is an inherited tendency. This tendency of mankind to disobey God’s instructions and commit physical or verbal violence against their fellow humans is called sin. It can become so great that the LORD God considers wiping them off the face of the earth He created. But, in obedience and cooperation with God the Spirit, people can change. 

Related Verse(s): Psalm 51:11-12; Hebrews 11:5-6; 1 Peter 3:20-22; 2 Peter 2:5

Prayer based on the passage or principle:

O Holy God, You are the pinnacle of patience and kindness, but You will deal with disobedience and misbehavior toward other human beings in Your perfect time and way. We do not have to teach children to sin. It is an inherited tendency. This tendency of mankind to disobey Your instructions LORD, and commit physical or verbal violence against their fellow humans is called sin. It can become so great that You consider wiping them off the face of the earth You created for us. But, in obedience and cooperation with You, Holy Spirit, people can change. Help us to do things Your way, honoring You as Abel, Enoch and Noah did in their generations. Then we will bring You glory, LORD. AMEN

An applicable news item or story: 

The violence reported in this article is an example of how far man’s inhumanity to man can go.