Pray Thru the Bible Day 010

PTTB Day 010: Job 24-28

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Watch TBR Day 010: Job 24-28

We Respond

Biblical principle from the passage: 

God has a special place in his heart for children and the most vulnerable in society. We should, too.

Related Verse(s): Psalm 103:13; Isaiah 18:8; Matthew 19:14; Luke 18:15-17

Prayer based on the passage or principle:

Loving Father God, You do see when children and other vulnerable people are being abused or mistreated. Please rise up and help those who cannot help themselves. Drive out those who are abusing their position in order to retain power over others. Raise up godly people to show compassion and kindness to women alone, foreigners and the truly poor through no fault of their own. Dominion and awe belong to You, O LORD. You have established order in heaven; restore it here on earth as well. We human beings cannot. We need You to step in and help the powerless and save the feeble. Give us our wisdom, LORD. Death and destruction are rampant upon the earth. We need You to rescue us from the lies of the wicked and to restore righteousness, integrity and justice. May increasing numbers of people fear the LORD, seek wisdom and shun evil. Then we will have understanding and honor You forever. AMEN  

Applicable news item or story: 

Part of this news article highlights the affects of the current war between Russia and Ukraine is having on the children of Ukraine. [Begins at 2:07 mark]