PTTB Day 019: Genesis 22-24
God Speaks
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Biblical principle from the passage:
It is essential that we listen carefully, follow God’s commands specifically and give Him credit.
Related Verse(s): Proverbs 31:10-31; Matthew 8:21-22; John 3:16; Hebrews 11:8-12, 17-19
Prayer based on the passage or principle:
Dear God who is the ultimate Commander-in-Chief, thank You for calling Abraham to be the Father of the Faith for both Jews and Christians. You tested him by commanding him to offer Isaac, the son he most prized. You asked him to give this long-awaited son up to You. His obedience proved that he loved and feared You [held You in awestruck respect] even more. And You rewarded him for it. May many others and I willingly follow his example. Next you guided him as he purchased a burial plot for his beloved wife, Sarah, himself and his future family. LORD, help me to both work hard and trust You with my future. May I also show such respect and foresight for my spouse and loved ones. Thank you that Abraham’s servant, [possibly Eliezer (see Genesis 15:2-3)] in an act of mutual respect and trust, was given the task of finding a wife for Isaac. He prayed specificly and often to his master’s God throughout the process and gave You credit for Your specific answers. May I do the same whenever I have a task to perform. Then You will receive the glory, LORD. AMEN
Applicable news item or story: Although Kennis Goodman didn’t mention listening to God, he did what was right and gave God credit. He said he was tested.He said he was tested. He passed the test. He lived up to his name; he is a good man.