Pray Thru the Bible Day 024

[As of Wednesday, January 22, 2025, Pray Thru the Bible has begun posting on Facebook. As of February 1, 2025, Pray Thru the Bible will be on Facebook only. ]

Pray Thru the Bible

PTTB Day 024: Genesis 35-37

God Speaks

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We Respond

Biblical principle from the passage: 

Related Verse(s):  Esther 9:22; Isaiah 51:11;  Jeremiah 31:13; John 11

Prayer based on the passage or principle:

Dear Awesome and Almighty God, thank You for the way You directed Jacob to Bethel to renew his commitment to You after wrestling with You and reconciling with Esau. He directed his household to get rid of all their idols. May I and all of the people in this nation do the same and receive a new name as he did. May many be born again by faith in Christ Jesus. LORD God, use people to comfort others close to death and/or those in mourning over the death of loved ones. Thank You that, through His death and resurrection, Jesus conquered death, and, in the end, He will vanquish it forever. Thank You, LORD, that You keep track of and take care of those people who are not Your people of the promise such as Esau and his descendants. You care about them even if they hate You and Your people. Protect young people like Joseph who foolishly flaunt their seeming superiorty or favor with those in authority. Protect them when they come into difficult circumstances as he did. May we always turn in trust to You and bring You glory, LORD. AMEN 

Applicable news item or story:

I have observed that many people have been worshiping the idols such as abortion, open borders, climate change, social engineering, pornography (even of children), escapism, practicing deception, immoral sexual behavior, laziness, unbridled personal power, and selfish ambition. The newly elected federal government under President Trump is committed to destroying these idols and returning this nation to Godly wisdom and values and just plain common sense.