1 Timothy 1-6

God Speaks

Paul Wrote This Letter of Encouragement and Instruction to Timothy, His Son in the Faith

Verse of the Day: Beyond all question, the mystery from which true godliness springs is great: He appeared in the flesh, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory. (1 Timothy 3:16 NIV 2011)

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1 Timothy 1

Reflection: This is a letter from a seasoned apostle, Paul, to his son in the faith, Timothy. It is an excellent example of how those who are older in the faith and ministry should treat and instruct the next generation of Christian leaders. Paul was directing and teaching Timothy in how to deal with false teachers. These “teachers” proclaimed strange doctrines, myths, a need to search out one’s genealogy, and various speculations. They spoke confidently but really didn’t know what they were talking about. Paul went on to explain that the purpose of the law was to expose all kinds of evil. Paul and Timothy chose to live so as to reveal the good news of glory of God.  Paul said that God was using him as an example of how bad a sinner God could save by His grace. Paul told Timothy to fight well in the Lord’s battles, cling to faith in Christ, keep his conscience clear, and do what he knew was right. Others had not done so and had incurred Paul’s severe actions.

Prayer: Dear Father God who trains His servants well, thank You for the example of Christian intergenerational relations set by Paul and Timothy. Father God and my Lord Jesus Christ, please spread Your grace, mercy, and peace over those You are directing me to pray for at this time. Please give older Christian leaders wisdom as they direct younger leaders. Please help them to both recognize and properly deal with false teachers. Please give these leaders, their “flocks,” and me pure hearts, good consciences, and sincere faith. May we be faithful to proclaim the pure gospel entrusted to us by You. May what Christian leaders teach be trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. Namely, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners–with each person recognizing how sinful they really are and turning to Him alone to receive everlasting life. “Glory and honor to [You] forever and ever. [You are] the King of the ages, the unseen one who never dies; [You] alone [are] God, and full of wisdom. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17 TLB) Please help me and my fellow believers to fight well in the Lord’s battles, cling to faith in Christ, keep our consciences clear, and do what we know is right. Don’t let us defy You and fall into the traps Satan has set for us. AMEN

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will be on the lookout for a younger person I can mentor like Paul with Timothy. 
  • I will be on the lookout for an older person who will mentor me like Timothy followed Paul.
  • I will praise God for saving me, sinner that I am.
  • I will watch out for false teachers and those who have defied God, then do as God directs.

1 Timothy 2

Reflection: In this section of the letter, Paul gives Timothy specific directions as to the ministry he is called to do. It begins with prayer. In prayer for others, Timothy is to focus on asking for God’s mercy to rest upon people, thanking Him in the process even before it is evident in the here and now. Timothy is to “start at the top” by praying for the king, rulers, and all those in positions of authority. The purpose of these interactions with God is that we can live quiet and peace-filled lives with our thoughts and actions focused on bringing glory to God. This pleases God very much so that He rescues us or walks with us in our struggles. God wants everyone to be saved by accepting as fact that there is only one God, and the only way for people to be with Him is through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus stands between God and all people reaching in both directions to bring the two parties together. Jesus bridged the gap between sin-filled, cursed human beings and the only Holy God by taking the punishment our sins deserved on Himself on the cross. Paul was training Timothy to take this good news to people everywhere just as he himself was. Paul wanted every person to love, worship, and serve God, both men and women. Men were to lift holy hands in prayer not in quarrelling and anger (with their wives or children or at other people). Women were not to be concerned with fancy hair styles, jewelry, or clothes but on living in a quiet, sensible manner, doing good and being kind. Because of sin and the curse (caused by first Eve, then Adam being tricked by Satan), men were forced to work hard while women experienced increased pain in birthing children. However, both would be saved by a special one of their descendants–the God-promised Messiah (Jesus).

Prayer: Dear awesome and loving God who wants His children to bring their concerns to Him, thank You for giving us the privilege of discussing everything with You. You tell us to talk with You earnestly and humbly about the needs of others, to ask for Your viewpoint on their situation, to stand between You and them to bring the two together, and to thank You even before we see the fulfillment of our requests. You want us to do this for everyone (even our enemies).  Your word through Paul is, “Start at the top” by praying for the king, rulers, and all those in positions of authority. You say the purpose of these interactions with You is that we can live quiet and peace-filled lives with our thoughts and actions focused on bringing glory to You. This pleases You very much. As we do so, You will rescue us or walk with us in our struggles. You want everyone to be saved by accepting as fact that You are the only God, and the only way for people to be with You now and forever is through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus stands between You and all people, reaching in both directions to bring the parties together. Jesus bridged the gap between sin-filled, cursed human beings and You, the only Holy God, by taking the punishment our sins deserved on Himself on the cross. Just as Paul trained Timothy to take this good news to people everywhere, may I work so that every person I’m responsible for comes to willingly love, worship, and serve You. I pray for both men and women. May the men I pray for lift holy hands in prayer not in quarrelling and anger (with their wives, children or other people). May the women I intercede for not to be concerned with fancy hair styles, jewelry, or clothes but on living in a quiet, sensible manner, doing good, and being kind. Protect us all from the deceitfulness of Satan, this sinful world, and our own corrupted natures. I affirm that we will all be saved by keeping our faith focused on Jesus, trusting, and obeying Him. AMEN

Action: (Ask the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will use this chapter as a guide as I pray for those in positions of authority in my own family, in my village or neighborhood, in my city, in my county, in my state or province, in my nation or country, and in other countries or regions.
  • I will search out ways to assist those in authority rather than criticize them, then do it.
  • I will pray for my enemies. That the Lord would bless them with a knowledge of Himself and His will whatever the matter.  
  • I will pray that we will all come to a knowledge of God and live quiet and peace-filled lives that glorify Him.

1 Timothy 3

Reflection: This section of the letter gives the qualifications for being an official or leader in the first century church. Many current day churches, denominations, or affiliations continue to use them when selecting officers. There are differing opinions as to the exact job description of a pastor, elder, deacon, overseer, or bishop, but most generally follow this set of qualifications. The Apostle Paul held that it was a good ambition for a man to desire such a position in the church, so, he laid out the qualities needed. According to the culture of the day and the Old Testament scripture, this person would be a mature man. Since many of these qualifications overlap and apply to men in these positions (and their wives), I will summarize them here: respected in the community; faithful to his one spouse; diligent; sensible; knowledgeable; approachable; not addicted to wine (or anything else) or violent; open and welcoming; able to instruct; a good manager of finances and family; dependable; gentle and kind; not a new believer; tried and true; and a conscientious parent. Verse 16 is a description of Jesus, which may have been used as a creed (a summary statement of faith) or an oath office since it follows qualifications for being an overseer or deacon.

Prayer: Dear Gracious God who cares about who leads His children, thank You for putting the right people in the right positions to lead Your people. Please help us to be alert and develop qualified leaders locally, regionally, nationally, and worldwide. Holy Spirit, please help us to develop these qualities in ourselves, our families, and congregations so that we can better serve and reflect Christ for the sake of Your Kingdom. May we daily affirm this creed: “Christ was revealed in a human body and vindicated by the Spirit. He was seen by angels and announced to the nations. He was believed in throughout the world and taken to heaven in glory.” (1 Timothy 3:16 NLT) All for the sake of King Jesus. AMEN  

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will ask the Holy Spirit to develop any or all these qualifications in me as I yield to Him.
  • I will cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He is developing these qualifications in others.
  • I will encourage others to seek to be leaders in the church, watching to see who meets these qualifications.
  • I will personally commend people I see displaying these qualities.

1 Timothy 4

Reflection: In this part of the letter, Paul was more personal with Timothy. First, Paul warned about those who will fall away from faith in Christ to the teaching of demons.  Two of these wrong teachings were that marriage is wrong and that eating certain foods is wrong. Paul’s answer is for believers to determine what is good by the word of God and prayer, then do what He says. It is the duty of a Christian leader to do this and teach others to do so as well. Like Timothy, leaders are to get spiritual exercise, to seek to be good examples for others to follow, and to work hard to help people believe and hope in the living God (Jesus) who died for all, particularly those who have accepted His salvation. Timothy was to set the pattern by his teaching and life, by his love, faith, and pure thoughts. Paul hoped to visit, but in the meantime, he instructed Timothy to read the Scriptures, encourage believers, and teach the people to put them into practice. He told Timothy to throw himself into practicing the spiritual gift he had received (from the Holy Spirit) when the elders had laid their hands on him and prayed. He was to pay close attention to how he lived so that people would see from his life what it meant to be saved and grow in Christ.

Prayer: Dear God, thank You that, through Jesus Christ, You have already defeated Satan and all his demonic forces and plans against God’s people. In Jesus’s powerful name and by the blood He shed for us at the cross, I come against the demonic ideologies of this present age. These are being used to attack citizens of the kingdom of God. I come against the controlling spirits of deceitfulness and hypocrisy, lies and lawlessness that evil forces are using to sear people’s consciences so they can no longer distinguish between good and evil. They celebrate or promote evil and shame or hinder good. Please come to our rescue, Lord. Raise up people who will stand up for Your plan for marriage and families and who will thank You for all the good things You provided for us when You created the earth and everything in it. Please raise up young leaders like Timothy who will exercise godly wisdom, be good examples of right living, work hard at helping people, giving people hope, and pointing them to Christ Jesus who died and now lives for all. Strengthen and encourage Your people of all ages to be patterns for others in their teaching, their charity, their faith, their holy and morally pure lives. May each believer throw themselves into exercising the spiritual gifts they have been given by the Holy Spirit. May all Your children pay close attention to how we live so that people will see from our lives what it means to be saved and grow in Christ. For the glory of God. AMEN 

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will seek to encourage a younger person in the faith as Paul did with Timothy.
  • I will be alert to demonic ideologies and warn others about them.
  • I will pray before meals to express my gratitude for all the nutritious food God has created and made available to us.
  • I will ask the Holy Spirit to help me to develop and to follow through on a regimen of spiritual exercise.

1 Timothy 5

Reflection: This section of the letter focuses on how Timothy is to treat various members of his congregation. It’s very straightforward and needs little explanation. Oh, that we would get back to this simple management of society. It is my opinion that our nation would be much better off if we would get back to emphasizing the wellbeing of families, local communities, and churches; however, the implementation of such a development is far beyond the scope of this blog. 

Prayer: Dear Creator God, You created a good universe and placed in it the people You had made to dwell there and interact with You and with each other. You declared it all “very good.” Your word tells how sin and the curse corrupted everything. Over the millennia You have continually worked to bring about Your plan of redemption, reconciliation, and restoration. O Lord, how desperately we need that to be fulfilled. We need You to make individual relationships with You, family relationships, and community interactions right again. Help us get back to the simple management of society You initiated. Help people work together to secure the wellbeing of individuals, families, local communities and churches, businesses, governments, communication systems, educational systems, and all the ways we develop and use the beautiful and bountiful resources You have given us. May there be an ever-increasing, outward, and upward spiral of interdependence until it encompasses the whole world. May it start with these instructions Paul gave Timothy and continue until every human being has been given an opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ. For His glory. AMEN

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will ask the Lord to show me one specific way I can show my pastor I respect him, then do it. 
  • I will be alert to how I am interacting with various people in my church: older men, older women, young men, young women.
  • I will examine my words to be sure that I am not gossiping or meddling in things that don’t involve me.
  • I will seek to help someone in need who has no one else to assist them (ex. a widow with no family in the area).

1 Timothy 6

Reflection: This concluding section of the letter shines the light of truth on three groups or persons: 1) those who are poor in this world’s goods or money but rich toward God (Timothy for example); 2) those who are rich in this world’s goods or money but have turned away from God; and 3) the Mighty LORD God Himself and Jesus Christ His son. The first group is addressed verses 1-3, 6-8, 11-12, 14, 17-19. The second group, those who oppose Christ’s teaching and make money their focus, is examined in verses 4-5, 9-10, 20-21. God in all His glory is extolled in verses 13, 15-16. Readers of this blog are encouraged to explore this chapter on their own in their favorite version or translation.     

Prayer: Dear Lord God who is sovereign over all, thank You that You are the One who is ultimately in control over slaves (workers) and masters (employers), rich and poor, male and female. You always rule out of Your everlasting lovingkindness. You are the One who gives the Christian worker the patient endurance to respond well to an employer whether they are a cruel heathen or a kind and forgiving believer. You are the One who can change the heart of the former to treat their employees graciously. You are the One who can enable people to turn away from pride, quibbling, jealousy, name calling, lying, promoting evil suspicions, and conspiracies. Help people (especially those who belong to You) to seek true riches by loving You and truly helping other people. Help us to look to You as our source of security, not to money, fame, or power. Help us to work for what is right and good, learning to trust You and love others, to be patient, kind, and gentle. Please help us to follow Christ’s example of fearlessly standing up for the truth. May those who are rich in this world use their money to do good, giving happily to those in need because You give us all we need for our enjoyment. Let us be content with whatever You give us. “For in due season Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only Almighty God, the King of kings and Lord of lords, [You] alone can never die, [You live] in light so terrible that no human being can approach [You]. No mere man has ever seen [You], nor ever will. Unto [You] be honor and everlasting power and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”  (The Living Bible 1 Timothy 6:15-16) AMEN  

Action: (Ask God, the Holy Spirit, which one of these He wants you to work on or something else more personal that He points out.)

  • I will strive to do my very best to please God and my employer. (Think of one specific way this week, then do it.)
  • I will thank God and other people for the things they do for me.
  • I will look for ways of using my money to bless people and build up the Kingdom of God, then do them.
  • I will take at least ten minutes today to read aloud and ponder 1 Timothy 6:15-16. (See it quoted above.) 

Share: I plan to share what I’ve learned with __________.