PTTB Day 005: Job 6-9
God Speaks
Read: Job 6-9 source
TBR Day 005: Job 6-9
We Respond
Biblical principle from the passage:
The LORD allows, even encourages, people to bring their questions and troubles to Him.
Related Verse(s): Psalms of lament: 6, 38, 42-43, 130
Prayer based on the passage or principle:
LORD God, thank You that I can come to You in anguish of soul or body as Job did. Jesus, You understand because You experienced it. When I am overwhelmed, You heal me. When I feel forsaken, Your Spirit visits and comforts me. Unlike Job’s friends, You say the right things to my soul. Help me, Holy Spirit, to always offer the sacrifice of praise, especially when it truly is a sacrifice to do so. I know this will bring You glory, LORD. AMEN
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