Pray Thru the Bible Day 006

PTTB Day 006: Job 10-13

God Speaks

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We Respond

Biblical principle from the passage: God worked at creating the earth and everything in it including human beings. The LORD expects and equipts human beings to work as well. 

In defense of his innocence before God and his accusers, Job focused on the creative acts, power and sovereignty of God. See Job 10:8-12 and 12:10, 13-25

Related Verse(s): Genesis 1:1-2:3, 2:15-25, 3:17-19

Prayer based on the passage or principle: 

LORD God, truly Your hands did shape me and every other human being. Therefore, I belong to You. You molded both my body and my soul. You constantly watch over me, but unlike Job, this thought comforts and sustains me. His story is a testimony to Your sovereignty and loving presence even in the midst of devastating circmstances we don’t understand. What his friends did not grasp is that not all negative situations are the result of sin in our lives. Sometimes it is the result of sin in others, but in Job’s case, Satan himself was the cause. Even so, You had to grant permission. You always have a loving purpose behind everything You allow or initiate. It is all for our ultimate good and Your glory, LORD. AMEN

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