Job 17-20
God Speaks
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Biblical principle from the passage:
Unless they turn to the LORD God to receive His free and loving offer of salvation in Christ, God will deal harshly with the wicked either in this life or in eternity. But the LORD God will eventually honor those who trust and obey Him.
See Job 20:4-29 for a description of such a wicked person’s fate. However, one must not assume that when bad things happen to a person (like Job) that they are wicked. There may be an unseen reason behind their calamity (Job chapters 1 and 2). In fact these bad things, as in Job’s case, really came from Satan, his forces or the human beings he has influenced.
Related Verse(s): Psalm 119:122; Proverbs 13:9; Isaiah 43:14a
Prayer based on the passage or principle:
Thank You, O LORD, that You have made a way through Jesus’ death and resurrection that if even the most wicked person will turn to You, receive Your free and loving offer of salvation in Christ, You will forgive and accept them into Your family. Otherwise, LORD God, You will deal harshly with them. Furthermore, You will eventually honor all those who trust and obey You. These judgments or rewards may come either in this life or in eternity. However, people must not assume that when bad things happen to a good person (like Job) that they are wicked. Nor should they assume that good things happening means that the person is right with You. Only You know people’s hearts and Your good purposes. There may be an unseen reason behind the calamity or blessing as in Job’s case. In fact, these bad things may really come from Satan, his forces or the human beings he has influenced. In it all, we can trust Your goodness and bring You glory, LORD. AMEN
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