Pray Thru the Bible Day 016

PTTB Day 016: Genesis 12-15

God Speaks

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Biblical principle from the passage: 

The LORD God makes and keeps His promises no matter how long it takes. 

Related Verse(s): Genesis 17:15-18 fulfilled in 21:1-7;  Genesis 50:24-25 fulfilled in Joshua 24:32; Isaiah 40:3-5 fulfilled in Mark 1:2-3

Prayer based on the passage or principle:

Dear Promise Keeping God, thank You for all the promises You made that are reccorded in the Old Testament–especially those concerning the Messiah. So many of them You fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and Son of Man, in his first coming. Many more You will fulfill in the end times and His second coming. Because of Your faithfulness to fulfill Your promises in the past, I can rest assured that I can trust You to keep Your word in my life. May I and many other people experience promises made–promises kept. Then we will tell others and bring You glory, LORD. AMEN

Applicable news item or story: 

I don’t know what promises God fulfilled in this man’s life or what he was faithful to carry out. But this is a man who carried a cross literally around the world.
