Materials:At least one Bible, two different versions is even betterA notebook or way of recording the session so that you can refer to it laterPictures or objects you have available to illustrate the days of creation
Opening Prayer by Leader[At least two people meet at a table with a bible between them holding hands during the prayer. Hopefully this will be the whole household.] Great LORD God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe and everything in it, we (each person present says their name) want to get to know You and Your view of the world. We need for You to speak to us through the Bible and through Your Holy Spirit. Please speak for Your servants are listening. AMEN
What is God saying?
Day #1: Opening Prayer Read and/or listen to the passage at least twice (different versions if possible). Record reactions if any. Closing Prayer
What does it mean?
Day #2: Opening Prayer Reread passage once. Summarize the passage. Ask: who, what, where, when, why and how questions about the passage. Listen to and record each person’s observations and/or questions. Closing Prayer
What does God want us to know or do or not do?
Day #3: Opening Prayer Review the passage. Discuss observations, answer questions (at least attempt to do so) and form one sentence possible biblical principles or value statements. Formulate personal or group “I will” statements. Closing Prayer
What’s my plan to do that?
Day #4: Opening Prayer Plan how these biblical principles and valve statements could be practiced. Closing Prayer
How are you doing? How can I help?
Day #5: Opening Prayer Encourage or challenge each other about progress in applying these biblical principles and valve statements. Closing Prayer
Closing Prayer by Leader[Each person sits quietly with their hands folded in prayer in front of them.]
Thank You, Father God, for what You have said to us through Your Word, the Bible and through each other. Is there anything else You want to say to us by Your Holy Spirit? (Everyone is silent, listening, for at least one full minute.) Thank You for speaking to us. AMENLeader: Ask each person, “What did God speak to you about today through the Bible, through each other or through the Holy Spirit? It’s ok to say, ‘It’s personal.'” Then the leader should close with: Thank You LORD God for speaking to each person’s name about a one sentence summary of their comment including ‘It’s personal,’ Please help us to live out what You have said to us. In Your Son Jesus’ name we pray. AMEN